Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ainsley is Eight

As I said in my last post, Ainley turned 8 on May 11th.  She's growing up so fast. Tonight she will have several friends over for pizza, cake and ice cream and a sleep over.  Boy I am sure looking forward to that!  

She asked for a puppy for her birthday, from several people in fact.  She asked Papa because, I think, she figured if anyone would get her one it would be him! Ha!  Pretty sure Nana would have killed him....When I told her a puppy wasn't going to happen she asked for a kitten.  That will NEVER happen, mostly because I am allergic to cats (Thank goodness!).  At that point she asked for a fish.  I laugh everytime I think about it.  The thing is she didn't just want a puppy, she wants something that is all hers that she can love...so this year we thought that was appropriate.  So I went in search of a very small turtle but found that they don't stay small. :(  I also found that they are illegal to sell in New Mexico when they are that small (actually the entire US I think).

I was dissappointed but began looking at other options.  I was about to buy her a hampster when Chris nixed the idea.  He says they are too much like rats! lol and I thought I was bad.  I also would have bought a black pappillion/poodle mix that I found in the pet store if Chris hadn't said that he would take it back if I bought one.  I know I am crazy because the last thing I need is another living being to take care of but they are just so dang cute! 

Well with the hampster out Chris suggested the Red Eared Water Turtle. So that is what we got.  Not a very smart idea.  It's kind of relaxing to watch but pretty expensive.  The turtle itself was only $20 but it needed a large tank, a basking spot, a basking, light, a UVB light, a water warmer, a filter, and miscellaneous small items to keep the tank clean and feed it.

She named him Squirt and all that really matters is she really loves it.  She wanted to get up in the middle of the night to check on him and she comes straight home from school to see him.  I call it a him but we still haven't figured out how to tell if it is a boy or girl. In fact, I'm not really sure who loves him more...Ainsley...or me.  Chris says I must be sick.

The Rio Grande
Today we went down to the Rio Grande and I took Ainsley's 8 year pictures.  That was a nice time except for the picture taking.  Before we even parked we saw several geese and once we parked we saw all kinds of people on the trail.  There were people running biking.  We actually saw one couple on a bicycle built for two; I always love that!  We saw people walking their dogs and we even saw one gal on a horse.  As for the "photo session", I think I'm going to have to give up for a while until I can devote more time to learning my camera and different techniques.  I'm not real happy with the turn-out.  Part of my problem is that I am in too much of a hurry and not patient enough.  At any rate, here is a sampling.

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