Wednesday, May 18, 2011 was an big day. There are two reasons really. The first is that May 18th is my mom's birthday! Happy belated birthday to my mom. Of course, I sent her a card...and called her on her birthday but this is just a shout out!
The second reason is because Ricky promoted to sixth grade! When I was a kid we promoted to high school and then graduated from high school. As our friend at Wal-mart told me when HE was a kid they had one! You graduated from high school and that was that. We love our friend at Wal-mart, at the moment his name escapes me. I'm pretty sure it is Bob but I couldn't say that for sure. It seems that he's there for all our big days. This is mainly because I wait until the last minute to take care of things, much to my mother-in-law's dismay! I'm pretty sure this is one thing about me that bugs her. Well it's probably the only thing about me that bugs her! HA! You know, I am her FAVORITE daughter-in-law. I suppose I should mention that I am her only DIL but still.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. This time the lack of planning wasn't EXACTLY my fault. I have been extremely busy lately. I didn't receive any written notices or anything of that nature, probably because 5th graders aren't great and bringing these things home. The notice I received was, "Promotion is tonight at 5:00 or 5:30 Gina." That was at 1:00pm when they arrived home from school that day. Yep, I had three hours to get us pulled together for the ceremony. Unfortunately, Chris was working and not able to get off because his manager had the day off. Not to mention he was puking all day at work. (That's dedication!)
So I got us pulled together and of course there are no pictures to document my stunning self...cough cough. But there are a few really bad photos of the kids. I told you before I need major help with my camera and I am very embarrased to post these pictures but this is a big day for us and I have to document it.
Ricky worked so hard and came so far this year. I'm sure there were many reasons I'm sure like a change in atmosphere, some incredible staff at Vista Grande Elementary School in Rio Rancho, (BIG SHOUT OUT TO THEM...we couldn't have had such a successful year without the caring team over there.) and partially due to starting him on medication for ADD. The final part to the puzzle, by the way, I believe had the biggest impact on his schooling. Ricky had a great attitude, for the most part, this year. I could see how hard he was trying, not only in school but at home as well. He has so many things he is dealing with and with the help of his counselor at Team Builders (another huge shout out) he is taking control of his emotions, actions and studies.
He is looking forward to going into middle school. I think this might be the first year that he can't wait for summer to be over, even before it begins.
He has a long way to go but we are so proud of him for the work he's done so far!
I am so proud of "name sake". I know he has searched for right and struggled to find himself. I know he is a good kid and wants the truth. I started going through that stage when I was 18, only to find i still have unansered questions.